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Performing art in public space is undeniably consensual, for it operates in shared space. At a time, however, when the institutionally preferred modus vivendi is to claim consensus in order to avoid being challenged, it strikes us as critical that artists not forget the vital role that disagreement, and even conflict, plays in democracy.

Table of contents

Dissent in the City

Antoine Pickels & Benoit Vreux

Reflections on Being a Troublemaker - The Fiction in our Disagreeance

Tunde Adefioye

Eve is a Seller - Kubra Khademi’s Feminist Fruits

Véronique Danneels

Marches les gens d’Uterpan - Documentary Stories

Jacques André

Creating Artistic Spaces for Negotiation - Three Cases involving the Curator Joanna Warsza

Emilie Houdent

Forget about Music and Musicians: Mattin’s Social Dissonance

Joel Stern

A Glance That Triggers Movement - Dries Verhoeven’s Ceci n’est pas

Kasia Tórz