Practical Programme
Oct 2020 13h30 15h30
Porte de Namur

Guided tour to discover companies known for their Greenwashing strategies.

Greenwashing Tour

During this guided tour directed by artist Alexandre Dewez, you will take a stroll through Brussels to discover companies that are known for their greenwashing strategies. As you pass the signs, you will be shown how these large companies use communication and marketing strategies to put forward ecological arguments and build up an eco-responsible image, whereas the reality of the situation is quite different. The "Greenwashing tour" will be an opportunity to discover the mysterious and merciless world of the big greener washing machine. And to show how a real change in the (food) system is not about to happen thanks to the multinationals.

To open the debate, part of this guided tour will also give you the opportunity to discover some of the major players in the organic sector. What role can (or cannot) organic supermarkets play in the transition of food systems? Bad idea? Real solution? Is it complicated?

To be discovered together this Saturday 10th October!

Registrations on this link.

Meeting: 10 October 2020, 13h30, Porte de Namur

NB: The Greenwashing tour is organised within the framework of the Alternatives Forum of the Alimenterre festival. We will walk together to the See U where you can attend the debate: "Relocating food systems! Easy to say but easy to do?", a speed dating of alternatives that fight to change food systems, and the screening of the movie "On the Field"!