Constellations 2023
- workshop
Constellations is a co-learning programme for artists of all disciplines with a project around living art in the city.

Two days per month between January and April 2023, 12 artists will discuss their practices, by sharing a specific question they raise about their own work, through the form of prototypes which will be observed, triturated, deconstructed, loved and cherished.
Constellations is a tool for learning new methodologies, to understand other ways of writing, to get to know other ways of doing things and to strengthen artistic solidarity.
It is also a laboratory to reflect together on performing art in the city, and to try to draw the contours of the notions of public space, engaged practices and poetisation of the city.
We will test ideas, we will meet new practices, we will discuss transversal questions that emerge from the different projects, and keep each other warm.
Constellations 2023
Flore Herman (facilitator, dramaturge, mediator and artistic collaborator at Bodies Of Knowledge)
Solène Briquet (FR), Julia Droga (BE), Antoine Dupuy-Larbre (BE), Federica Fantini (BE), Fée-Niks (BE), Maryline Grimmer (BE), Isabelle Jonniaux (BE), Agathe Juvenez (BE), Maeva Lambert (be), Charlotte Lippinois (BE), Perrine Mornay (FR), Benjamin Muzart (BE).
Each participant will receive 30 euros per day (volunteer contracts). Participants must follow the whole programme.
Based on a letter of interest + CV.
-> At which stage are you in the development of your project? How can Constellations help you? What are the questions you raise today and that you would like to share in relation to public space or the city?
Deadline for application