School of Love 2022
- workshop
School of Love (SOL) is a project led by a collective of artists from different disciplines and backgrounds, who have come together around issues of love, school and art. The collective proposed to explore this triangulation with secondary school students during an immersive workshops.
The workshop

Through collective practices, SOL invites students to explore different ways of being together. The reflections are based on the premise that love is a notion of public interest and that it should be taught in schools as a form of resistance to individualistic tendencies, as a way of being in the world.
SOL is also an opportunity to situate the school as a place of experimentation, reflection and community, with the potential to change society.
The workshop was created and facilitated by SOL members (BE): Olga Bientz, Roger Fähndrich, Anna Housiada, Laura Oriol, Martina Petrovic, Irena Radmanovic and Adva Zakai.

School Of Love (SOL) is a platform for collective artistic practices, inviting people to explore ways of being and acting together. SOL’s activities experiment with forms of non romantic love, exercices between strangers, institutions, colleagues, communities, generations and different positions in society. Love is more than a feeling, it is a mode of engagement with the world, a choice, a pratice, an intention. In that way it is a resistance to individualist tendencies and can generate both societal and personal well being.
SOL is practiced through regular monthly meetings, events, workshops and performances, taking place mainly in the fields of art and education.
All activities are open to the public, sometimes they are addressed to a specific target group. There are two ways of engaging with SOL’s platform: being a part of the core group that takes care of the organization and continuity of activities, or by joining punctual activites. These two modes of participation constitute the permeable quality of the platform. It always remains accessible to new participants wich gives it a form of a fluid collective. In that way, SOL continuously evolves through different views and positions. The nature of activities of SOL and their content reflect and derive from the practices and curiositied of those who are engaged with the platform at a specific moment.
As an exercice of love, SOL implements collective governance as a model that runs through all its activities. There is no hierarchy in SOL, but rather roles and responsibilities that rotate among the participants. Being confronted with the challenges that collective governance poses, especially in such a permeable structure as SOL, is one of the main explorations and learning processes SOL is commited to.