Practical Programme
Jan Jan 2024 10h00 18h00
Feb Feb 2024 10h00 18h00
Mar Mar 2024 10h00 18h00
Apr Apr 2024 10h00 18h00
application closed
La Bellone
Rue de Flandre 46 - 1000 Bruxelles

Our co-learning programme for artists of all disciplines with a project in progress around performing art in the city.



Constellation 2024

Constellations is a co-learning programme for artists of all disciplines with a project in progress around performing art in the city.

Constellations 2023 (image: Cifas)
Constellations 2023 (image: Cifas)

For two days a month between January and April 2024, a dozen or so artists will discuss their respective practices, based on the sharing of a particular question that they raise in their work.

This will be done through the presentation of prototypes (a short artistic proposal that allows you to test an idea without becoming attached to it!) which will then be observed, worked on, dissected, loved and cherished by the whole group during feedback moments.

Constellations is also a laboratory for thinking together about performing art in the city, and attempting to sketch out the contours of the notions of public space and situated artistic practices.

For this year's programme, the Cifas is inviting Anna Rispoli as the artist in dialogue (or, if you like, the North Star) to lend her perspective to the artists in the constellations and put their respective projects into perspective. Alongside the collective feedback sessions, she will be initiating a more cross-disciplinary dialogue based on her own artistic research. She will propose the notion of conflict and therefore also of the limit (of life, of the body, of systemic oppression) to explore the antagonistic, protesting and transforming dimension of public space and time; before also inviting in other notions such as: locality, attention, speculation, disruption, pleasure in activism, the collective and political dimension of affectivity, or performance as a tool of struggle.

In short, Constellations is a tool for:

  • learning new methodologies in order to discover other possible ways of writing for your own artistic project

  • giving and receiving feedback

  • exploring and refining research questions specific to creation in public space

  • discovering other artists questioning similar subjects, and share practices

  • strengthening artistic solidarity in an artistic sector that is still very much based on competition

We'll be testing ideas, meeting new practices, discussing issues linked to the challenges of creating in public spaces, and keeping warm!

Edition 2024


For artists of all levels of experience who have a project in progress in performing art, in all disciplines, that questions the city and/or public space.

This year, will take part: Francesca Chiacchio (BE), Colline Etienne (BE), Julie Gallifet (BE), Fanny Herbert (FR), Maryne Lanaro (FR), Jérôme Michez (BE), Pierre-Benjamin Nantel (FR), Kimia Nasirian (BE), Emmanuelle Nizou (BE), Augusto Pedraza (BE), Britt Roger Sas (BE), Agathe Voisin (BE)

Artist in dialogue

Anna Rispoli


Flore Herman (facilitator, mediator, dramaturg)




Mandatory participation:

  • Monday 15 & Tuesday 16 January 2024

  • Monday 19 & Tuesday 20 February 2024

  • Monday 18 & Tuesday 19 March 2024

  • Monday 22, Tuesday 23 & Wednesday 24 April 2024


La Bellone, Rue de Flandre 46, 1000 Brussels


40 € per day for each participant (volunteer contract)

Selection & deadline

The call for application for Constellations 2024 is now closed.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get into touch:

Beth Gordon
+32 472 84 85 74