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Journey through Feral festival 2023

Hanna El Fakir (texts) and Nino André (drawings) were on a special mission to collect and share traces of the Feral 2023 festival. Fabrique de la ville et alliances en zones humides, co-conceived with graphic designer Lucie Caouder, is the result of this mission.

In the open air and at the end of summer, in situ and roaming from the FLOW swimming pool to the dissident Marais Wiels, in shorts and swimming costumes, essential questions were addressed.

Starting with the concrete case of the Marais Wiels and other insurgent lakes, how do we develop the imaginaries of urbanity? What is the state of interaction between politicians and civil society when new public spaces are invented? What role does art play in all this? Can it open up specific avenues in the creation of a sensitive city?

Revue Feral n° 2 reports on this collective journey, giving the floor back to the people involved and the experiences they shared. It includes articles by Stalker and their Shcool of Nomadic Urbanism, Cuesta and cultural urbanism, and the mental cartography of the Marais drawn by Laurent Petit of the ANPU - all activist and transformative words.

You can read Revue Feral n°2 here or drop by the Cifas office to pick up your copy → Rue de Flandre 46, 1000 Brussels